

Greetings from the coast of Maine,

A good friend once offered this little gem: “Take everything in segments.” Turns out to be good advice, especially now as we face these complicated times. As we move forward during the pandemic, we’ve all had to make significant adjustments to how we do what we do. Best to approach this situation one segment at a time and with caution.

We have concluded that in order to ensure our health and the health of those around us, we need to limit our contact to essential interactions only. Accordingly, we have made the hard decision to remain closed to walk in traffic at The Meadow of Blue Hill for the time being.

But we need your help. We still want to do business. So it’s time to get creative!

Our “Gifts to Go” concierge service is a perfect solution. Just call me, (207) 669-0710, and tell me what you need. I can send you photos, take your credit card over the phone and have your purchase wrapped, ready and available for curbside pickup in no time. If you need delivery, we can do that too. And check out our windows, they are full of great ideas! You can also drop me a line at or visit our website, open 24/7:

If you know someone who might also like what we do, please forward our newsletter and suggest that they sign up here.

Here's some good news: Pink Picasso is back in stock! For those of you who may have missed out on this wonderful product, it's available for immediate delivery! Check it out.

More good news. When you go to our website you may notice that it looks slightly different. Don’t panic. This is a good thing! We've made some adjustments that will improve efficiency and make it easier to shop with us.

More later from The Meadow,

Molly Suber Thorpe